To be human is to live in a story about ourselves, others and life. Our stories shape what we pay attention to and what feels possible.
What might it be like to find the most truthful, kind and freeing stories about ourselves, others and the world? How might it be to live into them?
Integral development coaching gives you an opportunity to work with the stories you’re facing in a way that turns them into opportunities for lasting learning and growth.
People find their way into coaching with us as a way of navigating the whole tapestry of life, including finding more skilful ways to take care of what’s important; deciding how to dedicate themselves to a new life-stage; and discovering ways to both live and work with more depth, balance, and truth.
“Sensitive, intelligent and hugely expert, my Thirdspace coach has brought me to a realisation of who I am, what I long for and importantly what small steps I can take each day to navigate the future. Getting to know yourself is not always easy, an empathic and experienced guide is essential.”
You’ll have the close support of a skilled coach who has dedicated themselves to an ongoing exploration of human life - someone who will work to understand you deeply, and who will be able to support you in your own programme of inquiry, practice and development that’s designed particularly for you.
Week by week, as you take on new practice, observe yourself in action, and reflect, you’ll find yourself developing new kinds of skilfulness and approaching what’s important to you in new ways. And your conversations with your coach will support you in seeing with new eyes and in integrating what you’re learning so that it can have a lasting effect.
Through working together, our coaching clients gain
Increased self-awareness that opens up new perspectives and possibilities for action.
Enduring skills that enable them to become more effective in what matters most to them.
The ability to be fully with themselves and others, more open to and alive in the world.
There are no miracles, just the persistent work of practice and being supported by compassionate, wise guides who understand what it takes to change things in a way that lasts.
If our approach to coaching speaks to you, and you’d like to begin a conversation about coaching with us, please get in touch with us here.