Skilfully bringing forward our Essential Selves in service to others and to the world
We invite you to join us for the first cohort of a new learning community. It’s for anyone who feels called to leadership of any form and at any scale.
We’re ‘called to leadership’ any time we find ourselves caring deeply about the world and people around us and want to respond with wisdom, resourcefulness, dignity and creativity – whether that’s in an organisational setting, in national-scale leadership, in a family, because we’ve taken up a role in a community that we care about, or whenever we want to bring a new idea, possibility, cause or work of art into the world.
Stepping into leadership, on whatever scale, immediately asks a central question of each of us:
What kind of person will I be? Can I be a person who brings out virtues of dignity, creativity, courage, compassion, persistence, humility, generosity and wisdom in myself and the people I am alongside? Can I catch on to the ways in which I contract into fear, or reactivity, or habit? Can I find others who will help me walk the path of attention, inquiry and practice that can support me in bringing myself to the world in a way that’s most fully expressive of my intentions?
Another way of saying this – can I lead from my 'Essential Self’, the goodness and wisdom that’s at the heart of each of us? Can I attend to being ‘right sized’, inhabiting fully the life-giving possibilities that are mine to bring without shrinking away or trying to be bigger than I really am?
Thirdspace has been dedicated to this question for over 17 years, and it’s clear to us that learning deeply about ourselves in the midst of supportive community can make a profound difference to capacity each of us has to lead and open new worlds with grace and integrity. When we’re given the opportunity to learn alongside others, to pay close attention to our inner and outer worlds and to what happens between us, and when we are supported in ongoing practice and sincere reflection, there are extraordinary possibilities for our learning to participate and lead in a ‘right-sized’ way.
Hear us talking about this work
Here are Lizzie Winn and Justin Wise, from the Thirdspace Faculty, talking about this body of work in a recent episode of our Turning Towards Life podcast. We also have an audio version, which is also available on all of the major podcast platforms - Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Amazon Music.
“Can I lead from my ‘Essential Self’, the goodness and wisdom that’s at the heart of each of us? Can I attend to being ‘right sized’, inhabiting fully the life-giving capacities that are mine to bring without shrinking away or trying to be bigger than I really am?”